Fraud Examples: Avoiding Scams


At Tweeq, we prioritize your safety and the security of your financial information. It's important to remember that our team will never ask for sensitive details like your account information or verification (OTP) codes. This section is dedicated to educating you about common fraud tactics and how to protect yourself from them.

If you ever receive an unusual request or are asked to share such sensitive information, it's likely not from us. Please contact us immediately if you have any doubts or did not initiate a request through the App.

Fraud Examples:

  1. Account Freeze Scam: A scammer sends you a message claiming your account is frozen. They ask you to contact them and provide some of your information to appear legitimate. Next, they request sensitive details like your card number or CVV. If you comply, you’ll soon find unauthorized transactions on your account.

  2. Hijacked Contact Scam: If a scammer accesses someone you know’s social media accounts, they might contact you and others in their network. They request a money transfer or your card details, usually with an urgent excuse, like needing to make an immediate purchase, but their card isn't working. The scam relies on urgency and your trust in the hijacked contact.

  3. Investment Scam: You receive an email from what appears to be a legitimate investment firm offering an exclusive opportunity to invest in a high-return project. The scammer creates a sense of urgency by claiming the offer is time-limited. They ask for upfront payment or personal financial information if you show interest. Once they have your money or data, they disappear.

  4. Lottery Scam: A message arrives claiming you've won a large sum in an international lottery. You must pay a small fee for processing or legal costs to claim the prize. The scammer might also ask for your card details to transfer the winnings. However, the prize never materializes once you pay the fee or provide details.

  5. Phishing Scam: You get an email that looks like it's from your financial service provider, asking you to log in to a website and verify your account details. However, the website is fake and designed to steal your card credentials. Once the scammers have these details, they can use your card and steal/transfer money.

  6. Romance Scam: Here, a scammer creates a fake profile on a social media platform and starts a relationship with you. Over time, they build trust and eventually ask for money, claiming an emergency or a personal crisis. If you send money, the scammer will often continue to ask for more under different pretexts. And suddenly, they disappear.

  7. Tech Support Scam: You receive a call or a popup message on your mobile device claiming that your device is infected with a virus. The scammer, posing as tech support, offers to fix the issue for a fee. They may also ask for remote access to your device. Once given access, they can install malware or steal sensitive information stored on your device.

  8. Customer Care Center Scam: You receive a call from someone claiming to be from your financial services provider's customer care center. They inform you that your ID has expired and needs to be updated urgently to avoid freezing your account. The caller seems knowledgeable and may even have some basic information about you. They stress the urgency and ask for your personal details, including sensitive information like card details, OTPs, etc. Despite their convincing approach, this scam is designed to extract confidential information and conduct unauthorized transactions.